This week rare Monday item is rare baseball cleats witch are member sold for 850 gems
This weeks rare Monday item is rare baseball cap sold for 900 gems!
Sorry for the late post 0-0 But this week rare monday item is rare kelp skirt 900 gems.
The rare Monday item is a Freedom glove. You can buy it in epic wonders for 3000 gems.
The rare item today is located on the last page of jam mart clothing. Its a rare army helmet sold for 900 gems.
The rare item today is located on the 16th page of Jam Mart Furniture. With 900 gems you can buy a Rare Pink Sofa.
This weeks rare Monday item is Hd teleivision. The first rare Monday den item! Its 1500 gems in the den catalog
This weeks rare Monday item is rare elf bracelets The price of them are 750 gems. Sold on the first page of jam mart clothing.
This weeks rare Monday item is rare angel wings. The price of them are 750 gems. Sold on the sixth page of Jam Mart Clothing.
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