Monday, July 22, 2013

Friendship bracelet and flower crown

The friendship bracelet is non member for 450 gems. The flower crown is member and 500 gems.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Gold ring and silver ring

Silver ring is nm for 1500 gems. Gold ring is member sold for 2000 gems

These are Animal Jam Gummy Bears! I was walking around The Lost Temple of Zios than I saw some gummy bears. I joined as a blue gummy bear and we went to my den and I took this screenshot. It was so much fun! Here are the users as the other gummy bears:

Red Gummy Bear (Cherry Flavored): storageroom
Orange Gummy Bear (Peach Flavored): beautyforever23
Yellow Gummy Bear (Banana Flavored): puppytup1 
Green Gummy Bear (Green Apple Flavored): cheesechunks2121
Blue Gummy Bear (Blue Raspberry Flavored): Amanda60454
Purple Gummy Bear (Grape Flavored): SEALS155

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Nm raccoon

I just went to coral canyons and guess what i saw......... a nm raccoon

Paw print vase

Paw print vase is in stores for members and sold for 300 gems!

Epic star hat

Epic star hat is member only sold in the Summer carnival for 5000 tickets.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Epic moon hat

Epic moon hat is member and sold for 5000 tickets in the summer carnival